If it's like that, certainly from antivirus protection to be less effective, because antivirus software only protects your computer files from malware attacks, not from the behavior of the person, for example a child who accidentally delete important files owned by his father, or in a cafe there are visitors who deliberately delete / mess up the file / computer settings. Well ...
To protect things like that, the programs are usually installed DeepFreeze. Indeed, DeepFreeze known to be very powerful to restore the system / files to its original state, simply by me-reboot/restart computer. But unfortunately, because it is very famous and much use, now also has a lot of tricks or DeepFreeze software to break the password, for example, Anti Deepfreeze which he said made the Arabs, Uninstall Deepfreeze Vietnam-made man, there is also a Remove Deep Freeze Password, etc. Another, much deh.
As an alternative, can use software that functions similar to DeepFreeze, which is software whose name is Shadow Defender
Review Fitur Shadow Defender
Function application for Windows OS is in essence exactly the same sort of DeepFreeze, namely to protect files from unwanted changes, either because of malicious programs like viruses and friends or even files that were deleted / removed and also changes computer settings by someone.
Although even so, according to my review there are several advantages of this Defender Shadow, among them
Although even so, according to my review there are several advantages of this Defender Shadow, among them
- Interface (user interface) is more convenient (user friendly).
- fase of setting.
- Can select the folder / file certain permitted to experience a change (exception list), for example, the files in the My Documents folder.
- Can simply enable / disable protection without the need to restart, that is enough to activate the"Shadow Mode" / "Normal Mode".

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