Undelete Plus can run on Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista can also try to save an image or images that were deleted from the media CompactFlash, SmartMedia, MultiMedia and Secure Digital cards, as long as it is still possible.
Sometimes we delete a document which was then the document is still we need. Or maybe even inadvertently deleted documents because our negligence or any other person (computer use together does). Moreover, the 'garbage can' computers had already emptied as well, or we run the delete command without accommodated in the 'garbage can' (shift del)! What's the word world? (This ad is not!)
Maybe we're so-so try this one freeware. Undelete Plus, a lightweight utility application that can perform an inspection of the documents we have removed (deleted) in Hard disk and tried to return the documents.
Miraculous? Not really. When we delete a document, by default Windows does not necessarily eliminate the information about the documents that we removed. So the remaining traces (trace) of documents that we remove is the Hard Disk us. But if we use delete secure file deletion utility that uses a technique remanence data that will remove the document to some degree, which is difficult to detect trace it back, except with the intervention of hardware! Well, the workings of Undelete Plus is to conduct in-depth scanning (to access the trace) on the Hard Disk to recover the remains of our paper trail that still has a chance to be saved again.
Undelete Plus can recover the documents that were deleted from the Hard Disk with the format (FAT, NTFS), floppy disks, CompactFlash, SmartMedia, MultiMediaCard, SecureDigitalCards and UFD.
How to Use UndeletPlus
After the scanning process is complete, Undelete Plus will display the file-type icons in the left window that allows us to search for documents that we want to return based on the type of document. We also can display it by staying home from the document (folder).
The results that appear scanning we can also sort (sort) based on the document name, address document (path), the status of the document, document size, date of manufacture or alteration of documents for easy navigation lenih us
Undelete Plus juga dapat menyaring (filter) dokumen yang terdeteksi berdasarkan ukuran, tanggal pengubahan serta bagian dari nama dokumen untuk pencarian dokumen yang lebih spesifik tentunya.
Sebagai aplikasi bebas pakai, menurutku Undelete Plus cukup bagus dalam me-recovery dokumen yang terhapus, ya sekitar 90% -lah tingkat keberhasilannya. Dari pengalamanku, berikut sedikit tips agar proses recovery dengan aplikasi ini dapat berhasil dengan optimal:
Ketika kita menyadari bahwa ada dokumen kita yang terhapus, jangan melakukan aktivitas penyimpanan data apapun dalam komputer kita. Mengapa? Proses penyimpanan data ini bisa saja menimpa trace dokumen yang terhapus tersebut sehingga kemungkinan keberhasilan recovery akan berkurang, hal ini terlihat dari hasil scanning yang status-nya menyatakan “Overwritten”. Jadi jalankan Undelete Plus sesegera mungkin!
Dokumen yang akan recovery sebaiknya disimpan pada media lain (semisal kalo dokumen yang mo kita recovery berada di Hard Disk, maka sebaiknya hasil recovery kita simpan di UFD, begitu juga sebaliknya). Mengapa? Recovery pada media yang sama akan memunculkan kemungkinan untuk menimpa trace pada media itu sendiri, sehingga hasil recovery ada kemungkinan “corrupted”.
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